I am Sarah Cain, The Crusader Gal. I am a political and cultural commentator. I make videos about the decline of the West and I write the Homefront Crusade newsletter. Originally from England, I laud the traditional Christian values that have so far prevented America from succumbing to the darkness that envelops Europe. America is, nonetheless, on a slope that most cannot see, and I am working to awaken Americans to that reality. I am the author of Failing Foundations: The Pillars of the West Are Nearing Collapse. Get yours today at Amazon.

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Mercy or Madness: Putting Felons in Schools
Washington State is engaging in a two-pronged attack against children, both planning to put felons in school systems as volunteers, and creating a “grace period” before notifying their parents of sexual abuse. It’s a disordered prioritization that places the guilty above the innocent.
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The Twilight of Civilization
The Twilight of Civilization was originally a lecture, given in one of the most tumultuous periods for the West, in 1939. This fascinating work, written by Jacques Maritain and narrated by myself, provides a glimpse into the world at that moment, through the eyes of an influential figure in theology and philosophy.
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