Browse my video archive below or subscribe to my channels at Gab TV, Odysee, BitChute, Rumble, and YouTube. If you would prefer to listen to the podcast (audio-only), that’s available too.

Why I Became Catholic
I converted to the Catholic Faith almost 3 years ago, but never before have I talked through what that process looked like, and why I was moved to convert. Here is that story.

How Your Tax Dollars Fund Illegal Immigration
It seems impossible that taxpayer funds could be used to encourage and fund illegal immigration, and all of the devastation that comes with it. Yet, through the channeling of money to 'religious' organizations with little oversight, that's exactly what's happening.

Why Not To Celebrate MLK Jr. Day
Martin Luther King Jr. is so celebrated that he has his own day in the American calendar, but is that appropriate? Who exactly are we upholding as someone to emulate? Let's look closer than most people ever do.

AI: "Have You Considered a White Author?"
The Fable app is under fire after it used AI to produce witty summaries of people's reading habits. After suggesting that those who read a constant slurry of homosexual, non-white authors get a little variety, they've been accused of racism.

Zuckerberg Blames Media for FB Censorship
Mark Zuckerberg released a video claiming that the mainstream media and fact checkers have become too left wing, and then blaming them for Facebook's censorship. Yet, that's not what happened. Facebook chose those companies BECAUSE of their bias, not despite it. Now Meta is seeking to distance itself from its own policies, for financial reasons.

From Transgender to Transgressive to Aggressive
You might wonder what happens when a man (claiming to be a woman) applies for a job as a server at Hooters, which is dedicated to its model of hiring scantily clad women. In what seems like a parody, he's suing the chain.

Court Victory For Refusing Covid Shot
Lisa Domski just won a $12 million judgment after Blue Cross Blue Shield fired her for not getting the Covid vaccine. The jury wanted to punish the company. Let's hope this sets a precedent.

Voting for the Highest Good
Let's talk about voting well in the reality of a situation where there are no perfect candidates on the most fundamental moral questions. Some don't think they should vote at all, because of where we sit. We should also analyze the state of our culture going forward, based on what we see reflected in our candidates.

Latest BLM Saint: Sydney Wilson
Without bodycam footage, another policeman's life would be destroyed, after he was forced to open fire on an attacking woman who almost killed him with a knife. The complaints that he should have done something differently endure, despite damning video footage.

Hideous Trans Faces Monument... Art?
In historic Trafalgar Square, a new monument to the woke left has been erected: A cube of faces of trans prostitutes, because... reasons. No, really. Be inspired! It's brave, don't you know?

Trans Shooter Journal FINALLY Released
After so many delays and legal battles, one of Audrey Hale's journals has been released unredacted. The tirades of self-loathing are mixed with anti-Christian and anti-white hatred, making her a tragic culmination of far-left ideology.

Google Maps Cancels "Scenic Route" Plan Over DEI
Going on a leisurely walk and would prefer a safer, prettier neighborhood? Bigotry. Want to drive surrounded by fields and flowers instead of concrete? Racism. So says your overlords.

English Riots: A Prelude to Civil War?
English cities are currently overwhelmed by riots and aggressive Muslim groups carrying swords. The American media has turned away, and the British media are engaged in very selective reporting. Ultimately, what's happening is the inevitable result of decades of unchecked immigration from the Muslim world.

Slut Walk Leader Speaks at the RNC
In an attempt to be more "welcoming", the Republican National Convention has apparently decided that having values of any kind just gets in the way. So, this year, Amber Rose was invited to give a speech.

Sarah Responds: Homosexuality and Happiness
A fan of the show wrote in to ask about homosexuality and whether we should view it as an evil, as well as whether it's okay to just let people be happy in whatever options they choose. I responded in this video.

Trans Kids Get Cheers for Scars
Watch as the revealing of surgical scars at pride events is now met with cheers and adulation, causing mutilated children to revel in the attention that they have been craving.

Dylan Mulvaney at "Catholic" University?
The trans activist known for partnering with Bud Light is on a speaking tour, visiting universities, including those that claim to be Catholic. St Louis University even refused to have an opposing speaker the following day. Something is amiss here.

The Federal Mandate to Endanger Women
The Department of Education just changed Title IX to mandate that "gender identity" be considered part of sex. This catastrophic decision will affect girls' access to bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports going forward.

MAID for Mental Illness Paused
The physician-assisted suicide program in Canada has hit a snag when it comes to killing the mentally ill. They're struggling to find psychiatrists who are willing to go along with it.

You Should Be Afraid of Flying
Diversity goals have clouded the vision of the entire airline industry, from pilots to manufacturers to air traffic controllers. Things don't look good for the future.

No Truth in Medicine
As the gender wars leach further into the world of medicine, British nurses are at risk of losing their licenses for "misgendering". But, medicine with neither truth nor fact could be a bit dicey.

LifeTime Embraces Degeneracy
You probably think of Lifetime as wholesome content, alike with Hallmark and perhaps some Christian production companies. But, in a downward slide that began with LGBT entertainment, they now have their first Christmas sex scene.

Are "Conservative Homosexuals" Toxic? (with Austin Ruse)
I am joined by Austin Ruse to talk about the permeation of the conservative movement with public homosexuals, and what effect that has on our efficacy. Can we argue on moral issues at the same time as embracing sexual degeneracy?

Homosexual "Conservative" Purchases Child
What it means to be a conservative is becoming neutered over time. Too many are far from defenders of traditional values. In the latest example of this, a homosexual who is frequently acclaimed as a conservative used a surrogate to buy a child with his faux husband.

Now We Have to Rename the Birds
In case you thought we had reached the limit of woke name changes to accommodate the perpetually offended, now we have to rename the birds.

Airtags as the Solution for Car Theft?
Instead of dealing with the escalating rates of car theft in Washington DC, the mayor is offering free airtags to residents, which they can hide in their cars for when the vehicle is inevitably stolen.

Beckoning a Selfish Christmas
For one of the first Christmas ads of the season, a large retailer just released one of the most depressing, self-centered commercials you've ever seen. It's part of a cultural trend toward the worship of self.

Occultism: Now Taught in Universities
A prestigious university in Britain is now offering a Master's Degree in the Occult, evidencing the backward slip toward the paganism of former times. The rationales that are being given in favor of the degree are comical. Let's look at them together.

Ebony Alert: Prioritizing Non-White Kids
The Amber Alert system for abducted children isn't doing enough for non-white minors, allegedly. California has a fix: The Ebony Alert. No, really. It's as bad as it sounds. No ivory alert appears to be on the horizon.

The Next Step: Howling Like Dogs
Roughly 1,000 people gathered at a railroad station in Berlin to howl, growl, and bark like dogs. Shocking? Perhaps, but it shouldn't be. It's an obvious next step in our acceptance of indecency, degeneracy, and lived falsehood.

Compulsory Schooling = Educated?
One TikTok user shared how she thinks that compulsory schooling has led to a more informed populace. Let's test that theory.

The New "Unity" of Excluding White Kids
When an Oakland elementary school arranged playdates for "Black, Latino, and AAPI families", excluding white children, there was understandable outrage. But for some people, the outrage was just proof that white people are racist.

Is Being Christian a "War Crime"?
Finish politician Päivi Räsänen was charged for stating her beliefs about Pride parades and the institution of marriage. A multi-year legal battle ensued, under the criminal code for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

Coach Fired for Speaking the Truth
In Vermont, a snowboarding coach was fired after running a high school team for 10 years. He dared to say that men have advantages over women in sports, and thus that it is unfair to place men on female teams. Now he's suing.

Reuters Encourages Anorexia Suicide
Upcoming changes in Canadian law would make physician-assisted suicide available to the mentally ill. Reuters is leading the charge in encouraging this travesty.

Media Blackout on Another Trans Shooting
It was the eve of July 4th, and Kimbrady Carriker, a man who liked to pretend to be a woman, shot 7 people, 5 of them fatally. The story disappeared from the news cycle as quickly as it entered, because the new epidemic of trans shooters is being covered-up.

White? No Surgery for You
New Zealand is rolling out an "Equity Adjuster Score" that factors ethnicity into the prioritization of who gets surgeries. In the new system, being white will be a point against you if you are in need of a surgical procedure.

Flying Away From Degeneracy
One town in Michigan decided to do the unthinkable in the modern age -- ban pride flags from public buildings. They laid the legal groundwork that ought to be followed throughout the country.

OceanGate: The Result of Excluding White Men
While the Oceangate vessel's implosion became well known, a lesser-covered fact is the CEO's approach of intentionally avoiding the hiring of middle-aged white men. As our society embraces these norms of anti-white hiring, we can expect more such incidents.

Pro-life Hospital Seized By Australian Gov
A Catholic hospital in Australia is being seized because they don't perform abortions or euthanasia. There are no complaints about their ability and willingness to heal, only that they don't kill. For that reason, the government is taking an unprecedented step in a clear act of Christian persecution.