The Hate Speech of Mr. Rogers

What you might remember as wholesome content from your childhood would nowadays be considered hate speech. Here’s a blast from the past, reminding us of what used to be so normal to say that you could sing it to children. Watch in video form:

Making Holy the Mutilated

The Anglican church in Canada is reaching for new lows in its attempt to kneel before the modern world. It has decided to offer blessings of transgender transitions. If that wasn’t low enough, an entire custom liturgy has been invented, so that those who have decided to pretend to be the opposite sex can be celebrated publicly in the midst of an attempt at worshipping God.

Coach Fired for Speaking the Truth

In Vermont, a snowboarding coach was fired after running a high school team for 10 years. He dared to say that men have advantages over women in sports, and thus that it is unfair to place men on female teams. Now he’s suing. Video viewable at

Fostering Ignorance as a Moral Good

The outrage about Florida’s alleged encouragement of slavery in its schools is contrived. A truthful examination of what is actually being taught, and the reasons for its opposition, is revealing about the educational aims of the modern left. Read the article.

Morality: For All or For None.

The Biden Regime has decided to cut off all funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, years after Democrats spent an election season labeling as racist anyone who pointed to that lab as a possible source of outbreak. But what about everything else in China that we continue to fund?

Media Blackout on Another Trans Shooting

It was the eve of July 4th, and Kimbrady Carriker, a man who liked to pretend to be a woman, shot 7 people, 5 of them fatally. The story disappeared from the news cycle as quickly as it entered, because the new epidemic of trans shooters is being covered-up.

The Immoral AI Is Academia’s Perfect Human

The concerns about AI, with its focus on the collection of knowledge but disregard for ethics and morality, are not baseless, but we should look a little closer at the type of people that we are churning out of academia.

Using Licensing Boards to Silence Truth

“Good job girls” was the phrase that would cost Joshua Sutcliffe not just his job, but his license to teach throughout the nation. This is the direction of the future, wherein all ideological dissent is thwarted by panels and review boards that pretend to be fighting for the public good. The article being read:

White? No Surgery for You

New Zealand is rolling out an “Equity Adjuster Score” that factors ethnicity into the prioritization of who gets surgeries. In the new system, being white will be a point against you if you are in need of a surgical procedure.

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