Becoming Blind to Goodness

What constitutes good has become more obscured than most people realize, because we are graced with living in a heavily Christianized society. As we draw away from that founding, we see the emergence of a very different standard being used for evaluation. The consequences can be dire.

OceanGate: The Result of Excluding White Men

While the Oceangate vessel’s implosion became well known, a lesser-covered fact is the CEO’s approach of intentionally avoiding the hiring of middle-aged white men. As our society embraces these norms of anti-white hiring, we can expect more such incidents.

You Can’t Simply “Opt Out” From What Is Coming

When a Washington school district went all-in on pride propaganda for kids, parents naturally tried to opt out. They were refused. This is emblematic of what is coming on a much larger scale.

Why Do We Celebrate the Privation of Children?

In the 1950s, there was an effort to change the cultural consensus around the treatment of children who were born out of wedlock. It never stopped there. Today, the “single mother” is lauded as one of the grandest heroes of our society. There’s something terribly wrong with that, because we will get more of the behavior that we applaud. That is what is happening, and children are collateral damage. You can read this article and find more at my Substack:

The Death Penalty for the Crime of Being Unwanted

In a case of abortion at 8 months of pregnancy, pro-abortionists stopped making their “clump of cells” arguments and ceased insisting that it wasn’t a ‘real’ child. Instead, they revealed a much darker reality. It not only explains where we really are in our understanding of the value of man, it shows where we’re going. The text for this reading can be found at:

Pro-life Hospital Seized By Australian Gov

A Catholic hospital in Australia is being seized because they don’t perform abortions or euthanasia. There are no complaints about their ability and willingness to heal, only that they don’t kill. For that reason, the government is taking an unprecedented step in a clear act of Christian persecution.

Ireland Debates Whether to Allow Truth

In Ireland, some of the most draconian legislation is being debated, which would outlaw truthful speech and the possession of ‘hateful’ materials. All of these laws are consequences of a modernist worldview that fails to see truth itself as valuable.

Trans Man (Woman) Can’t Make Male Friends

Even when a woman succeeds in visually appearing as a man, using surgeries and hormonal drugs, she’s still a woman. A recent video on TikTok helps to make this clear, as a “transitioned” woman talks about how much she is struggling to make male friends, because they don’t want to hug and talk about their emotions.

Law Grad Blames White Supremacy for Laws

The commencement speaker at CUNY was a law graduate who went on to talk about white supremacy being the cause of all laws. If ever there was a speech that indicated the absolute failure of the educational system, this is it.

Biden Regime Drops Border DNA Testing

When DNA testing was put in place at the southern border, it revealed that up to 30% of the children being brought were not with their family members, but were exploited child victims. Now, the Biden Regime is removing the safeguards that sought to find and protect them.

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