This live show covered the "International Day of Transgender Visibility", Fox News' hiring of 'Caitlyn' Jenner, and the leaked footage from Disney about their not-so-secret gay agenda.Continue reading
Podcast: Sarah Cain, The Crusader Gal
The Faux Family of Dave Rubin (with Denise McAllister)
Dave Rubin's announcement of his purchasing of children has been lauded by many on the right who ought to be horrified. Denise McAllister joins the show to discuss this perversion of a family and willful neglect of children.Continue reading
Don’t Say Gay and the Disney Pedophiles (With Rob Noerr)
Friend of the show and recurring guest, Rob Noerr, joined me to talk about the hyper-sexualization of children, the so-called "Don't Say Gay" bill, and the media's recent cover-ups.Continue reading
Is There Hope for Our Culture (With Let’s Be Frank)?
Frank from Let's Be Frank joined the show live to discuss the direction we're going, whether there's hope using the political apparatus, how we start fixing our culture, and more.Continue reading
The Farce of Women’s History Month (on The Catholic Current)
I went on The Catholic Current with Fr. Robert McTeigue to talk about how condescending Women's History Month is, how the Biden Administration's announcement thereof reeks of cultural Marxist class warfare, and the importance of building communities ...Continue reading
Womxn History Month and Racial Balancing (Social Stream)
This social stream covered the shameless pandering to women by those in Big Tech (Women's History Month), the notion of "racial balancing" in high schools, Biden's supreme court nominee, and the tragic death of Matthew Perna.Continue reading
Our Woke Military, War With Russia, and Canadian Tyranny (Social Stream)
This stream covered the updates in the Canadian tyrannical crackdown against protesters, how the American military is going more woke while the White House foments tensions with Russia, the free speech case about to reach the U.S. Supreme Court in re...Continue reading
Canada and Australia Go Extreme Against Dissidents(Social Stream)
This stream covered the evolving Canadian crisis, Australia's use of extreme tactics on protesters, the state of Hong Kong, and more.Continue reading
Sex in Schools and How We’re Being Targeted (Social Stream)
This stream covered the eighth-graders being groomed by official teaching, Joe Rogan's capitulation and its effect, the feminist and animal rights activist who combined all of modern leftist thought into one illuminating (and hilarious) speech, and h...Continue reading
Biden White House Targets Gun Rights and Speech (Social Stream)
This live show covered Biden targeting gun rights, Whoopie Goldberg's suspension, corporations that fund China while complaining about the U.S., the White House attempt to bully Spotify into engaging in censorship, the medical groups that are discrim...Continue reading