Telegram CEO Arrest Is Just the Beginning

The recent arrest of the CEO of Telegram is easy for some to ignore, especially if they don’t use the app, but it’s just one piece of a much larger attempt to control speech and information on the Internet.

Monkeypox: The Latest Planned Panic

Now that the monkeypox hysteria is back, we can expect the news media to avoid the mistakes it made last time, instead trying to mainstream the illness and downplay the stories of gay “parents” infecting the children placed in their care (or purchased through surrogacy).

A Culture vs. an Absence

Do the British understand what kind of culture they had, or what they want? Fighting for a mere absence isn’t enough to sustain for long. Modern Western nation-states are inherently weak to invasion because of their self-loathing posture.

British Riots—American Lessons?

I went on The Catholic Current with Fr. McTeigue, S.J. to discuss nationalism, a two-tiered justice system, and the riots in England. What can Americans learn from both the causes and the effects?

Communities in Crisis

It’s easier to focus on battles afar because they demand less from us, precisely because they don’t affect us in a tangible way. Our communities—where we live—that’s another matter.

The Injustice of an Irreverent Mass

Careless Masses such as this are not a unique experience—sadly, it’s not even rare. It’s become a too-common reality wherein the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is reduced to a kumbaya session in which the consecration is treated as getting in the way of the “important” things that people want to do. This essay may be read freely at Crisis Magazine.

Ghosting Your Problems

As a result of the closed communities that once made up our reality, people were forced to deal with one another, even when it was difficult. Nowadays, avoidance is much easier, and new options like “ghosting” allow us to hide from uncomfortable exchanges. But, is this better for us and society itself?

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