Assassinated By Lies

The near assassination of President Trump was in many ways the culmination of an environment of near-constant lies, omissions, and manipulation by a media circus intent on preventing people from being informed. Don’t allow rhetoric against radicalization to be used to silence the only remaining honest sources of news.

Church, State, and Other Misunderstandings (on The Catholic Current)

I went on The Catholic Current yesterday to talk about what the role should be between the Faith and the government. Should we aim for a full “separation,” as is common among atheists and Christians alike in the modern age? If not, what would an alternative look like? It was a really enjoyable conversation on one of my favorite topics:

Celebrating Societal Contempt of Children

A giant inflatable IUD has been traveling the United States as a monument to contraception. It says so much about our culture that it could be promoted as a net good, or worse, as a “right”. Read the essay at Homefront Crusade.

Detransitioner Now Married With Kids

I interviewed Daisy Strongin, who took hormones as a teenager in an attempt to transition to a male, and later had surgery, before eventually turning away from all of it, converting to the Faith, and having a family of her own. It’s a fascinating and beautiful story. (Watch on Youtube, if preferred:

A Sick Society: Pathologizing Giftedness

Our society is so sick that it pathologizes quirkiness, eccentricity, and giftedness, treating them as illnesses that ought to be fixed by the embrace of deviancy. Both individuals and society as a whole lose as a result. Read it at Homefront Crusade.

What Happened to Common Sense? (on The Catholic Current)

I appeared on The Catholic Current yesterday to talk about the attempts to keep Christianity out of schools, even while Pride is forced into them, whether we can have Christian values without the Faith, and other ways our society is crumbling.

The Freeloading Atheism of Richard Dawkins and Republicans

A parasitic atheism is taking root, promising what it can never deliver. Richard Dawkins, once a fierce critic of Christianity, now sounds like a modern Republican, supporting ‘values’ without religiosity or Savior. Can a culture be built without either? Read the essay at Homefront Crusade.

Thought Crimes and the Death of Privacy

In England earlier this year, Sam Melia, a member of the activist group Patriotic Alternative, was found guilty of the nebulous crime of, “inciting racial hatred”. He wasn’t alleged to be a threat to anyone, but his ideology itself was the real problem, established using a combination of private and public messages. Modern privacy intrusions combined with totalitarian thought crime laws are combining to create a dystopian nightmare. Read at Homefront Crusade.

Some Thoughts and an Audiobook Release

Some thoughts I have about the changes that came about in the early part of the 20th Century, and an announcement about the newly released audiobook. Listen to the book:

Journal: White Man, Know Your Place

When Perry Hendricks sent his philosophical essay to the academic journal, The New Bioethics, he wasn’t expecting much attention, for he had published there before. Yet after a Twitter firestorm, the journal rejected the piece because he was a white male who therefore couldn’t speak about such a topic. Read the article: Homefront Crusade

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