I appeared on The Catholic Current to discuss my latest article in Crisis Magazine on the toxic error of self-hatred. Why must we learn to live as loved sinners, and what happens when we get this wrong? Father McTeigue finishes with Timely Thoughts.
Podcast: Sarah Cain, The Crusader Gal
Michael Voris and the Perils of Celebrity
The recent scandal of Michael Voris demonstrates a dark truth about our epoch, for throughout most of human history, exposure and celebrity of this magnitude were impossible. Now it is what young people strive for, to their peril. Read the article at Crisis Magazine.
Self-Hatred as a Barrier to One’s Calling
Some individuals attempt to justify a position of lifelong self-loathing, long after they have been forgiven by God and even by neighbor. That cannot be a Christian position. It would deny the Christian message of redemption and renewal, which lies at the core of Christ’s sacrifice. Read the article at Crisis Magazine.
South Africa Ramps Up Anti-White Persecution
New rules will prevent South African farmers from exporting their goods, if the farms are “too white” in ownership. Combined with laws that make it harder than ever for whites to seek alternative employment, they are being gradually starved. Read the article at Homefront Crusade.
Endangering Women for the Sake of Inclusion (Guest on The Catholic Current)
I was invited on The Catholic Current to discuss the transgender movement and its sacrifice of women. In medicine and in public safety, recent decisions help to illustrate how women have become regulated to a secondary status for the sake of transgender ideology.
Trans Politics vs Women’s Health
A man who pretends to be a woman was just made the CEO of a charity for a women’s health condition (endometriosis). LGBT dogma makes a mockery of women’s health, because if women were men, then they wouldn’t have their own healthcare needs. When women responded with indignation and outrage, he threatened to seek law enforcement action, to silence their speech. Read the article at Homefront Crusade.
Lyft Endangers the Women It Pretends to Help
In rolling out a new option wherein women riders can choose to be paired with female drivers, Lyft decided to include “non-binary” alongside women. Women who choose this option that is aimed at safety, are actually made more vulnerable. Read the article at Homefront Crusade.
Broken Homes Need Church Fathers
Many are rightly occupied with emphasizing the need for two-parent homes and healthy marriages that provide children with the home lives that they have a right to. Yet, we must also acknowledge and confront the reality that an increasing number of children will be denied that. In the case of children raised without two parents, to whom could they be expected to turn to fill the void? Likewise, those who were raised in immoral households—becoming more common in a slipping secular society—must receive moral/spiritual guidance from somewhere. Read the article at Crisis Magazine.
Now Chaplains Can’t Pray
A new directive in Canada will prevent military chaplains from publicly quoting the Bible, leading prayer, or citing God. Yet, the state-endorsed religion, shown by the LGBT flag, seems unaffected. Remembrance Day for the war dead is going to be a travesty. Read the article at Homefront Crusade.
The Social Acceptability of Exploiting the Vulnerable
The dramatic overrepresentation of autistic people among those seeking sex changes ought to give us pause. This vulnerable sector of the population has repeatedly been the victim of one leftist frenzy after another. Now, they’re the victim of mutilations. Read the article at Homefront Crusade.